Yi Wang

Associate Professor


(608) 265-4781

Office Location

492 Horticulture Building

Research focus

Sustainable Vegetable Production and Precision Agriculture


Extension Website


My class – Hort370 (offered every fall)

Yi Wang

Yi Wang_CV_2022

Yi Wang is an associate professor with a research focus on sustainable vegetable production. The goal of her research and extension program is to conduct science-based applied research and collaborate with the vegetable growers and processors to improve the resource use efficiency and sustainability of vegetable cropping systems in Wisconsin. Her major research areas are:

  • Make production recommendations on variety selection, planting population, irrigation, fertilization, and storage management of potatoes and vegetable crops
  • Develop cloud-based machine learning tools to predict crop yield, quality, water status, and nitrogen status using in-season remote sensing imagery
  • Investigate innovative technologies and practices to improve the resource use sustainability of vegetable cropping systems including potatoes, snap beans, sweet corn, peas, and dry edible beans
  • Identify strategic practices to build resilience of vegetable production systems to a changing climate

Yi got her B.S. in Biological Science from Nanjing Agricultural University in China, her Ph.D. in Potato Physiology from UW-Madison. She worked as an assistant professor at the Kimberly Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho before rejoining the Department of Horticulture at UW-Madison.

Sustainable Vegetable Production and Precision Agriculture