Michael Havey

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Havey is a USDA Research Geneticist and Professor (retired) in the Dept. of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  His research program is focused on the breeding, genetics, and genomics of the Alliums (onion and garlic) and cucurbits (cucumber, melon, and watermelon).  Specific projects involve molecular tagging of major quality attributes and disease resistances in the Alliums and cucurbits.  Dr. Havey has led and been a team member on numerous multi-institutional federal grants addressing key stakeholder-prioritized constraints or attributes.  He teaches one-half of a graduate level class on advanced plant genetics and contributes lectures to numerous other courses at UW-Madison.

Dr. Havey received his B.S degree in Plant Pathology from Iowa State University, M.S. degree in Plant Pathology from the University of Wisconsin, and Ph.D. degree with a double major in Plant Pathology and Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics from the University of Wisconsin.  He completed post-doctoral research positions in Brazil and at Washington State University, before joining the USDA and UW faculty in 1988.

You can find a list of his publications on Google Scholar.