(608) 262-6457Website Location
5303 Microbial Sciences Building

Dr. Jean-Michel Ané is a professor in the Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences and in the Department of Bacteriology. Dr. Ané received his Ph.D. in plant cellular and mollecular biology from the University of Toulouse (France). He leads the Ané Lab which studies beneficial associations between microbes and plants. The Ané Lab seeks to improve the benefits of microbes to crops, particularly the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation to non-leguminous plants in agricultural production. Full CV:
Understanding how symbiotic associations between plants and microbes develop is an important biological question that is particularly relevant in modern agriculture and economy. We seek to understand the microbial signals and the signaling pathways controlling the establishment of plant – microbe symbioses and the stimulation of plant growth by these signals. We transfer information gained from model plants such as Medicago truncatula or Brachypodium distachyon to crops such as soybean, alfalfa, rice and maize in order to take full advantage of the fantastic opportunities offered by these beneficial associations to our agriculture. Our goal is to maintain soil quality and sustainability while protecting the environment over the long term and reducing costs for food, feed and biofuel production.
Plant biotechnology and molecular biology, genetics, symbiosis. Full teaching list: