Scott Chapman, a scientist in the Department of Entomology, and Dan Heider, a research program coordinator in the Department of Horticulture, were recently honored with national awards from the USDA’s IR-4 Project.
Dan Heider was awarded the National Recognition of Excellence Award. This award is given once every 3 years to individuals that demonstrate outstanding achievements that have a significant impact on the IR-4 project. Heider has been the primary researcher for hemp, peppermint, and cranberry, and other key crops for the IR-4 North Central Region for over 25-years. Heider’s colleagues commend his dedicated work ethic, as well as his gift for leadership and mentoring. His award presentation can be viewed here.
Scott Chapman was awarded the North Central Region Technical Service Award. This award acknowledges outstanding technical service to the IR-4 program over several years. Chapman has worked with IR-4 for over 20 years and has done excellent work with his greenhouse trials. His award presentation can be viewed here.
The IR-4 Project was established in 1963 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ensure that specialty crop farmers have legal access to safe and effective crop protection products. While the crop protection industry focuses its research on major crops, such as corn, cotton and soybeans, growers of specialty crops are often left with fewer tools for effectively and safely managing pests. IR-4 conducts required research to meet this important need. For more information about IR-4, please visit their website.