(608) 262-7975Website Location
355 Moore Hall

Dr. Shawn P. Conley is a Professor and the State Soybean and Small Grain Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In my role, I lead the UW Soybean Research Program (a.k.a. The UW BeanTeam) and actively collaborate across all disciplines to generate science-based solutions to address real world problems in soybean and small grain production systems. This knowledge is then integrated and delivered through my Extension program. During my academic career, I have authored or co-authored 151 refereed journal articles, generated over $8.0M in extramural funding and have spoken at >830 events and to nearly 70,000 clients. What drives not only me, but the staff and graduate students in my program, is our commitment to delivering our research finding back to our clients in a palatable fashion. As such, many of our research papers are also developed into Extension publications. Furthermore, everything our program develops is delivered through our webpage and pushed to clients through my list-serve and Twitter handle @badgerbean. My commitment to agriculture and the Wisconsin Idea have also led me to coauthor a children’s book entitled “Coolbean the Soybean”.
My research goal is to generate science based solutions to address real world problems in soybean and small grain production. My research program has two broad components. The first is to address/answer critical issues in response to problems and needs expressed by agricultural professionals and growers not only in Wisconsin, but across the Midwest. Results of this research have an immediate application by agricultural professionals. The second component is to identify fundamental agronomic problems not recognized by my clientele, determine the cause, and develop management strategies to mitigate these issues.